Port of Call
Jan 15th, 2010 by Joemoney

2 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 102 votes, average: 5.50 out of 10
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Port of Call
838 Esplanade Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70116

All Aboard! –

The Christmas holidays are a wonderful time. It’s a time for both my wife and I to head back to Baton Rouge, LA and spend time with family and friends. Being that this was also the first Burger Tyme Christmas holiday I thought it to be extremely appropriate to add yet another Louisiana burger joint to the list. For years I’ve had friends tell me how great Port of Call in New Orleans is. This was also confirmed by being the only burger joint in Louisiana to make the book Hamburger America. It was also voted Gambit Weekly Best Burger in 2008 by local New Orleaneans. So with much free time and a few willing burger tymers, we made our way down to New Orleans on probably one of the coldest days in South Louisiana history. It was about 30F which is about as cold as it gets. When we arrived in the French Quarter we parked by beautiful Jackson Square and the St Louis Cathedral. The cold weather actually made it quite pleasant as usually bad smells in the French Quarter are usually compounded by the heat and humidity. We made our way past many world renowned restaurants, past art shops, and past a few other unknown burger places, to Dauphine and Esplanade, about half a block  just North of Bourbon St to Port of Call. Like many other shops and restaurants in this eclectic and misunderstood part of New Orleans, Port of Call is inconspicuously situated in an old house with a sign hanging out front. I had heard tale that this place was kind of a dive but it was actually nicer than I expected. Something that surprised my was how every table was full inside even though they did not even look open from the outside. We made our way in and it was very dark inside at 1pm. After our eyes adjusted we were directed to take a seat. As we sat I looked around at what everyone else was having. Other than the many fruity drinks they offer, everyone was having the burger. That’s why we were here too.

Calling All Carbs –

The menu states :

“All our burgers are half pound ground fresh daily, and come with baked potato with butter.”

This seemed like a very promising start. Fresh beef, a baked potato instead of fries, a soft drink cup that I get to take home!!! I went ahead and placed my order for the cheeseburger which comes in at a hard to swallow $10.75 soft drink not included. But I’m willing to pay extra for burger perfection. The wait was not too long and we were able to fill our time listening to the bartender (who coincidentally spoke like a pirate, although I don’t think it was intentional) give parenting tips to his coworkers. When our burgers arrived there were mixed emotions running through my mind. The first thing I noticed was the cheese. The unmelted, shredded cheddar cheese on top of the patty. My eye was then drawn to the very uninspiring bun. It was at best a regular seeded bun from the grocery store with little if any toasting. This is OK at this point. The veggies served on the side were very plain. A whole slice of an onion, a leaf of iceberg lettuce, and a slice of tomato. The condiments were on the table for your use including mayonnaise (doesn’t this need to be refrigerated?). I assembled my burger and took a bite. It was juicy. The meat tasted fresh and of good quality but that is about all I can say good about  it. The meat lacked almost any kind of seasoning. Almost everything about this burger was pretty unimpressive… Well, except for the baked potato. I actually really liked it in place of french fries.  But even it was just basic butter, bacon bits, sour cream, and chives.

The Wrap it Up-

In spite of all of these objections running through my mind I ate the burger rather quickly. I have to give credit to the fresh and high quality of the meat used. The other ingredients, however, could definitely stand to step up their game. As I was talking to a friend in Baton Rouge about this burger his comment was that I was the first person he had heard say bad things about this burger. No doubt, Port of Call has it’s fans. They have been making the same burger there for almost 50 years. That being said (and it pains me to say this about a Louisiana Burger), I think there are better burger out there in the world and possibly New Orleans has a better one to offer. For a total of about $15 I would recommend trying some of the other excellent cuisine the French Quarter and getting some beignets and hot chocolate at Cafe du Monde while the weather is still cold.

Dec 21st, 2009 by Joemoney

1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 101 vote, average: 4.00 out of 10
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205 South 18th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103 (map)

To Rouge from Baton Rouge-

GQ does it again. While in Philadelphia I was continuing the search for the best burger in the WORLD and came across Rouge. It was highly touted by many online reviews but the one that made up my mind for me was GQ’s “20 Hamburgers You Must Eat Before You Die” in which Rouge was ranked 4th…. 4th! It must be amazing then, right? If you recall, I followed this list’s suggestions when in Seattle, WA and ate at Red Mill Burgers. It was good but only ranked 17th. So, with the recommendations from other burger reviewers and GQ telling me that it was essentially a “life experience” burger I decided that Rouge would be my next Philly Burger Tyme! Fortunately for my wife and I we have some friends that live in Philadelphia who were kind enough to let us stay with them. So as a vote of thanks we treated them to this “one of a kind”, “inspirational” burger experience. On a cool Saturday morning before our adventure to Valley Forge, we made our way to downtown Philly, to enjoy a nice lunch. Philly is a cool city with a lot of really impressive old architecture and deep history. Rouge sits across the street from a nice inner city park and across from that a centuries old cathedral. With this view in site its no wonder that the outside is prime seating at Rouge. Fortunately for us the weather was pretty chilly so there was plenty of outside seating. We took our seats and thus began the fanciest burger experience of Burger Tyme history.

Seeing Rouge Again-

The Rouge Burger. $16. Reading the menu, the Rouge Burger seems like a culinary masterpiece. “Challah Roll, Caramelized Onions, Gruyere Cheese & Pommes Frites”. How could one resist such fine ingredients. While I was not sure what a Challah roll was, we placed our order for four Rouge burgers. While we waited we were treated with a warm roll and salted butter. I’m sure this was traditional for all of the entrees that Rouge serves, but it was a little odd to start off a burger with more bread. In fairness the roll was very good. Rouge was pretty busy at the time we were there which might explain the long-ish wait. After about 20 minutes we were brought our burgers. The first impression based upon how the burger looked was “Wow”. I could hardly wait to try it. It was served open face with the veggies on the side. So after a little assembly I was finally able to dig in. The patty was huge. It had to be 3/4 of a pound of beef and 3 inches thick. It completely overpowered the rest of the burger. Every bite all I could taste was beef. Some liked this as it was high quality beef. I however was looking forward to the mingling of the other flavors such as the caramelized onions and the gruyere cheese. This was not a very well balanced burger. The veggies were also of high quality and the pomme frites, or in English, french fries, were very good as well.

The Wrap it up-

The Rouge Burger. $16. This was the most expensive burger in Burger Tyme history. At $16 and being 4th on the list of “Burgers to eat before you die” I expected this to be the pinnacle of our burger journey so far. I was sadly disappointed. The Rouge burger, while consisting of high quality components, which in and of themselves are great, was a poor assemblage of a gourmet burger concept. I blame the overly thick patty. It was absurdly thick. I would recommend dropping the price a few dollars and shedding a 1/4 pound to allow the other flavors to come out. The balance was just not here. When in downtown Philly would I go to Rouge for a burger? No. I would walk a few more blocks and enjoy the $12 Good Dog Burger.

A second lesson learned here is that GQ and I have very different tastes in what makes a good burger. So far I’ve had number 17 and number 4 only to be disappointed at both when there were much better burger options nearby. Oh well… fortunately there are plenty of resources for the burger tymer to find the best buger in the world. Many of which can be found linked to this site!

Good Dog
Oct 28th, 2009 by Joemoney

Good Dog 31 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 10
(1 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10)
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Good Dog 5

Good Dog
224 South 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102 (map)

It’s a dog’s life-

Good Dog 8

The city of Brotherly Love! Philadelphia! Home of Rocky, cheese steaks, and the liberty bell (not listed in order of importance). I was fortunate enough to attend a training for work and stayed in the heart of Philly. My hotel was across the street from the famous City Hall with the infamous statue of William Penn standing on top of the clock tower. It was a great location in a pretty cool city. This was my second time here. The first time I did all of the typical Philly tourist things; I ran to the Rocky stairs (aka The Philadelphia Museum of Art), I had some locally recommended cheese steaks, and saw the Liberty Bell. This time around I had a different goal in mind… Find the best burger in a city that gets their cheese in Whiz form. Much of my research turned up a solid list of candidates. On my first night in Philadelphia I was talking with a guy who had worked in Philadelphia for the past six months or so and was attending the same training. I asked him the questions “Where can I get a good burger around here?” was met with the immediate, unhesitating response “Good Dog!”. Lucky me! Good Dog showed up on quite a few of the best burger lists that I had been perusing. Being the extra lucky dog that I am, Good Dog was only a few blocks from where we were having this conversation. We were able to convince another person to join us and we headed down the narrow streets of downtown Philadelphia in search for a Great Burger Tyme. As we approached Good Dog, I almost walked right past it. It had a very cool, old pub facade that made it rather inconspicuous. As we entered I noticed that Good Dog had won the award for the “Best Gourmet Burger at a Dive Bar” in Philadelphia for 2005. While that seemed like an overly specific accolade, it was still impressive. We entered in and were greeted by low, pressed tin ceilings and a lot of people. We made our way down the bar and found a booth near the back. All along the walls were framed pictures of puppies and other dogs which is funny because they also sell food dog for the pet of their clients, I bought one of the best calming treats for dogs for my dog there. Go Here if you are a dog lover, as it would be great! There was heavy metal music playing when we arrived but it quickly moved into other genres providing quite an eclectic atmosphere. Over all it was cool place. But all of this would be meaningless if there was not decent food. I opened the menu and then the real excitement began!

Lucky Dog!!!-

As I read the menu I couldn’t believe what I was about to order. The good dog burger consists of 1/2 pound of sirloin that they grind themselves, the patty is stuffed with roquefort cheese, and topped with caramelized onions, all served on a brioche bun. Did I mention that this falls under “Gourmet Burgers”? It seems that if people in Philly want a burger, it has to be gourmet. Anyway, I placed my order for the Good Dog Burger cooked medium. I honestly couldn’t wait to get this burger not just b/c I was hungry from my Rocky stairs run earlier that evening (what can I say, I’m still a tourist). As we waited the music changed genres about 4 more times and we all chattered loudly. It was really a great atmosphere. Our food was brought to the table and I have to say I was extremely impressed.  This was a big burger, and the cheese that was stuffing the patty was running over the side of the bun it sat on. The first bite was amazing! I can’t say that I have ever had roquefort cheese before but it added a great savory, pungent flavor to the juicy beef patty. The sweet caramelized onions were a great counterpoint to the patty. The bun was great too. It was soft and just chewy enough to complement everything else. This was a burger that required NO ketchup. It was so juicy and flavorful the way it was that I don’t think you could have added anything to it and had it taste better. The fries were a mix of regular and sweet potato fries. They were good but did not really stand out at all compared to how much I was enjoying this burger! While it was big even for a 1/2 pound burger I managed to finish it with relative ease.

The Wrap it Up-

Good Dog 6

Good Dog 7

Ohh man!!!!! I couldn’t have possibly imagined a better start for Burger Tyme in Philadelphia. This was seriously a great burger! I talked about it for days after I had it. Being delicious however was not my only consideration. Did I mention that this was a “Gourmet Burger”? While “gourmet” means better and non-traditional ingredients (in theory), it also means that it is not a cheap burger. Now this burger and fries meal was $11 but with a soft drink and tip it came out to about $15. That’s pretty steep for one meal but I have to admit, I would eat it again in a heart beat! While a few notable burger review sites were not extremely impressed with Good Dog, I would recommend it to anyone who loves burgers and will be in the downtown Philadelphia area.

Hubcap Grill – The Sticky Burger
Oct 20th, 2009 by Joemoney

Hubcap Grill Logo

Update – Hubcap Grill – The Sticky Burger

Original review here

The Sticky Burger. What the heck is a sticky burger? After a long hiatus from Hubcap, I finally returned to downtown Houston and had a chance to return to one of my (and most of Houston’s) favorite burger joints, Hubcap Grill. I was pleasantly surprised to see the improvements they made since I last visited. There was a cover over the patio/alley/seating area, they installed fans to keep outside diners cool, and most importantly they had an actual menu instead of the dry erase board they were using. This menu included a few items that were new to me. Muffaletta burger, philly cheese burger, frito pie burger, and the sticky burger. I read the ingredients of the sticky burger; cheese, peanut butter, meat, and bacon… For some reason, that sounded amazing to me. When it was my turn to order I asked the lady behind the counter “Is the sticky burger good?”. “Ehh. Some people like it.” she replied. That response scared me on this first visit back so I chickened out and ordered my usual cheeseburger. It was good but for days I couldn’t stop thinking about the sticky burger. The sticky burger was sticking to my dreams like peanut butter on the roof of my mouth!

Hubcap Grill Sticky BurgerA week later I couldn’t take it any more so I went back. This time I confidently ordered a sticky burger and an IBC root beer (that’s kind of like milk, right?). I decided to save my heart and passed on the fries. Eager with anticipation I waited for the lady to bring out my burger. My patience paid off and out came what would soon become one of my favorite burgers. As you can see, this burger looks like a regular bacon cheese burger with no veggies. But what you can’t see is the two layers of crunchy peanut butter coating the top and bottom bun. I bit into it and the flavor was miraculous! The savory bacon, creamy cheese, and seasoned patty combined with sweet and salty peanut butter to make my taste buds sing. This seemed a lot more like eating a peanut butter sandwich than a hamburger but there was no denying that it was a bacon cheeseburger. As typical with peanut butter, the eating was slow going. The crunchy peanut butter added a wonderful texture to the burger experience. Thankfully this was not a dry burger. It was plenty juicy to keep the chewing going without becoming a chore.

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I loved the sticky burger! So much, in fact, that I went back a week later and had it again. Consistently good! Consistently strange! I’m tempted to try the other odd burger choices that Hubcap offers, but I’m probably more tempted to just get another sticky burger and then take an afternoon nap.

Backstreet Bar and Grill
Oct 6th, 2009 by Joemoney

Backstreet Bar and Grill 91 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 10
(1 votes, average: 6.00 out of 10)
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Backstreet Bar and Grille
214 West Methvin Street
Longview, TX 75601-6309(map)

Back in the saddle again-

Backstreet Bar and Grill 7

Longview, Texas! Never heard of it? Well my friend it is the quaint little industrial town nestled quietly between Shreveport, Louisiana and Dallas, Texas. I can’t say that it’s a traveler’s dream destination. Nor can I say that it is an incredibly exciting town. However, if, like me, you are called upon to visit for work, it is not a bad place for a few week project. There are plenty of tennis courts where you can go to exercise with your Vessi waterproof shoes and play with rackets from, every chain restaurant you could want, but most importantly an abundance of local restaurants that are actually very good. I won’t go in to the surprisingly great sushi at Osaka on Tyler St, or the great Italian food at Joe’s. No, we are here for burgers.  Well, for work, but I make the best of every travel opportunity by trying to find the best burger every where I go! So, upon the recommendation of one of our clients, we traveled to downtown (I use the term loosely) Longview to a place called Back Street Bar and Grill! Now, as the pictures may suggest, this is a bar but they serve lunch and dinner here. It is a favorite of mine because of the atmosphere. There are a few tables, a small dance floor, and beer advertisements that span many decades. I have been to Longview a few times over the past three years and Backstreet has not changed a bit. That is not a bad thing either. I always know what to expect when I go there. Grimy atmosphere with a not so subtle hint of cigarette smoke. So on this occasion I rounded up my co-worker and we met my wife who decided to visit Longview for a day and we headed to Backstreet Bar and Grill! Their menu is surprisingly (not really) diverse. There is burgers, steak, potatoes, salad, and any variation of those four that you can think of. We took our tall bar stool seats at a table with many names carved/burned into it and considered our options. Being that this is not Salad Tyme or Steak Tyme or Potato Tyme, we knew exactly what to order.

Takin it to the streets –

Backstreet Bar and Grill 12

“A cheeseburger with everything on it and fries please”, I said to the nice older lady who came to take our order. I also ordered a coke because I think it was the only drink there that didn’t contain alcohol. My wife and coworker placed similar orders. Now we waited. We admired the nostalgic bar memorabilia and gazed in wonder at the Golden Tee 2000 machine! While there weren’t many people inside with us eating, the workers did seem very busy with to-go orders which is a comforting sign. Before long our order came out. It is the most unglamorous, unassuming burger that you could have. Fortunately it tastes much better than it is presented. The patty is hand formed and especially flavorful being almost on the verge of too salty. It is a fried burger and the cheese definitely helped the flavor but it was a little dry. The bun was a nothing special, run of the mill white burger buns but they butter and toast it on the griddle which is always a plus….always! The veggies were sub par. The lettuce is shredded thinly that it tended to fall out of the burger however the tomato was a decent slice that helped add some much needed juiciness. The fries seemed like they were frozen and store bought, which they very well could have been but they were cooked and salted well enough to make them enjoyable. All in all it is a pretty big meal. The burger takes two hands to start with but can easily be managed with one after a few bites. SO you must be saying to yourself “This can’t be a good burger. This description is horrible”. Well, read on, burger tymer!

The wrap it up-

Backstreet Bar and Grill 6

Folks, this was a good burger. I know, I know. I gave it some pretty harsh critiquing, but the beauty of the Backstreet Burger is that in spite of it’s plane origins, the skillful old ladies put together a tasty burger combination that can satisfy a Burger Tyme craving in a place like Longview. The atmosphere is definitely great for a burger dive and the service is great. The wonderful ladies there treat you very nicely and even remembered me  after these many years. This is not an elite burger. This is not a great burger. It is a good burger. While I wouldn’t recommend anyone go out of there way to go to Longview, Texas, I would recommend that if you are there, give Backstreet Bar and Grill a try! You won’t be disappointed! Particularly given the other burger options that exist.

Hint – If you like Patty Melts, Backstreet has a great one. It’s the same burger patty with swiss cheese and grilled onions on rye bread that they grill with butter. Greasy but tasty. Patty Melt Tyme!!!!!!!!!

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